Death by Maldiagnosis

In some states of the USA, the third leading cause of death, after heart attacks and cancer is the iatrogenic incidence. It would not be an underestimation that an AI based diagnostic support software will significantly better the output of this neglected yet severe occurrence of death-by-maldiagnosis which takes 250.000 lives every year. ( Although the share of mal-diagnosis within the iatrogenesis pie is not clear and is debatable, the downward spiral of a patient’s unfortunate fate, which starts with a mal-diagnosis, resembles a journey with a broken compass. You have to reverse travel to the takeoff point, which in most cases is not possible.

The present compartmentalized and organ-based structure of healthcare is slowly but surely making space for a more comprehensive, cross-linked, data-centric and analytical pathway of diagnostics, which takes into account the interactivity of the entire human physiology on a molecular and genetic axis. Project DX aims to meet this requirement.

We are in the preliminary algorithm assessment phases of the molecular/genetic pathway development and there is no tangible product as of yet.