What is a Diagnoses?

Whatever the realm may be the decision-making is a risk laden process, especially if the currency is the health of a human being. The medical decision-making process, i.e. diagnosing an illness, is perhaps the most critical of decision making processes.

Currently, the implementation of this highly imperative tool of decision making is left to the doctor’s own devices. Consequently, the medical doctor constitutes a decision making brain map of their own.

To no avail,

  • The plethora of medical disciplines a doctor should fathom
  • The limited time allocated to a visiting patient
  • The inability of the human brain to calculate the armada of lab tests in the limited time of a patient visit.

does not make it any easier for the medical doctor to ascertain a precise diagnosis based on a mathemetically oriented decision-making flow-chart, but rather on an intiuitive and experience based route.
